Church ministries exist to support Jesus’ charge and our Mission and Vision to make disciples by meeting people where they are on their spiritual journey, getting them in to God’s Word and God’s Word into them, and preparing believers for works of service to foster unity and maturity in the Body of Christ.
Community Baptist offers a variety of ministry opportunities for adults, children and households. The Church is committed to providing opportunities for community within our church family through ministries such as children and teen ministries. All ministry flows out of corporate worship, which is the primary expression and center-piece of our life together as believers in Christ. We strongly encourage families to worship together.
Sunday School for all ages is at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday morning. Our program for children emphasizes learning the central doctrines of our faith as expressed through the Word of God. Parents are strongly encouraged to train their children during the week so they are prepared for their classes on Sunday morning.
Our Adult Sunday School encourages and challenges adults to grow in their knowledge and practice of doctrine and biblical spiritual truths. A recent study focused on the topic of Christian contentment from a biblical perspective.
Believing that prayer is an essential foundation of our life together as a community of believers, we gather for song, prayer and a practical message every Wednesday evening. Children and teens will be biblically challenged to live their lives for the Lord through an exciting program that will keep their attention.
We also offer ministries to meet needs within our community through the Sportsmen Banquet Banquet and Community Outreach. In addition, the Church is active in a variety of local outreach and in global outreach.
Many of the broad ministry categories listed contains sub-ministries. Contact us if you have questions or if we can help you learn more about the ministries of the Church.

Read About Our Ministries
Children's Ministry

Jesus made it clear that children were to be a priority in His kingdom. They are definitely a priority at Community Baptist Church!
Every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, we have a team of workers anticipating your children’s arrival. They will be taught a Bible lesson with children their age and encouraged to develop a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We have activities such as Camp, Bowling and Christmas parties…just to name a few. They are also learning to serve others through activities like singing at nursing homes. This gives each child a well-rounded experience as they grow in their Christian walk.
A loving, clean and well-organized nursery is available for all services.
Teen Ministry

Our Teen ministry exists to assist parents in helping young people grow in the Lord and to help them fulfill God’s plan for their lives. They are the next generation of leaders.
We have a Teen Sunday School class and Wednesday evening discipleship program that challenges young people to live for God. In addition, we host several activities throughout the year including camp, bowling, attending sports events, Christmas parties and other fun events. They also have the opportunity to serve and be an integral part of the church.
We are thankful for what the Lord is doing with our teens!
Men's Ministry

God has called men to a special place of leadership and our desire is to help all men, young and old, to reach their potential! That is why we have activities like Men’s Leadership Breakfasts, Sunday Evening Men's Prayer and “Steak Outs”. Men are sharpened through Bible devotions and encouragement to be everything God wants them to be.
Ladies Ministry

The ladies ministry of Community Baptist is special in so many ways. Not only is it a time for fellowship and a chance to share, it is also a time when we can gather around and study God’s Word and discuss important issues that women are facing today. Topics are practical and will encourage your heart as God’s truth and promises are applied. All ladies are welcome to our fellowships.
In addition, we also attend Ladies Conferences and serve our church in many different ways. Come join us and make new friends!

World evangelism is the heartbeat of God. He uses local churches to finance missionaries around the globe. Our church takes this command very seriously. We currently support over 30 missionaries and projects.
We use a plan called “Faith Promise” missions. By faith, our people commit a certain amount financially for the coming year. This is above their regular giving. This faith promise giving is used solely to support missionaries on a monthly basis and help with projects to further the Gospel.
Sunday School

The need of every Christian is to have opportunities fellowship, discipleship and teaching. The Sunday School program helps achieve all 3 needs.
Even though our classes start at 9:45am, please come a few minutes early and enjoy a cup of coffee with us! Then enjoy a class tailored to your age. In your class you will study a well planned lesson with people much like you. Many find this to be one of the most fulfilling parts of their church experience. Make plans to join with us!
Community Outreach

Community Baptist Church is not confined to existing within four walls. We are an active part of our community. Our people whether on a one on one basis or our combined efforts are making an impact on Surry County. Our community outreach consists of Surry County Cougar's Homecoming Parade float "Lets Go Cougars", Harvest Hayride and Bonfire, New move in ministry and other organized activities where we go out and reach people for Jesus Christ and encourage them to be a part of His church. We realize that most people are not going to come to us so we must take the initiative to go and find them. Outreach is our God appointed responsibility given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19,20.